Get tips & tricks on how to skyrocket hotel sales

What if someone analyzes all your establishment's data before you arrive at the office? Let Veetal analize your bussiness's health and wake up with discoveries like:

  • Your next month rates are out of market
  • Some competitor has decreased it's rates heavily
  • You have increased competition in
  • Guests from England have a 40% lower reservations than last year
  • Your website rates are not competitive
  • Your guests hate your coffee
  • You must adjust your income's prevision
  • You have lost group reservations for long stays
  • Your 3 weeks pickup is failing rapidly. You must act!
  • Your water expenses have doubled. Do you have an scape?
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A Swiss army knife for your management

Effective tools to make your workday flow

All-in-one workspace

All-in-one workspace description: all you need is love

Useful discovers

We look at the information as you would to save you hours and hours

Hotel Pickup & Forecast

Massive detail of the evolution of our occupations and your revenue's evolution

Rate Shopper & Parity

Set your rate strategy and check your parity across all your channels

Revenue Intelligence

Compare your daily results with last year, budget or same period last year

Accounting Intelligence

Control your expenses and track useful revenue & expenses ratios

Reputation Monitor

Be aware and conscious about any bad reviews your customers have

Smart Budget

Daily budgets based on events and historical data


Let our customers speak for us

We always say that our customers are our real product leader. We design what would fit their needs in every moment
